Against all odds, I have just had the great fortune to return from a little real life globetrotting of my own.
I’ve spent a whirlwind two weeks in the territory of none other than Mr Phileas Fogg and took some time to tread the cobbles of Covent Garden – once the motherland of booksellers though sadly lacking these days – and walk in the footsteps of such literary greats as Dickens, Raleigh, Wyatt and Woolf.
I have a swag of photos and some thoughts on the literary qualities of London coming your way.
Also to come soon, a radio interview with Aussie up and coming author Honey Brown, who wrote our Australian pick The Good Daughter. I had the pleasure of speaking with Honey this morning and found her just as interesting and expressive in the flesh (so to speak; it was actually a phone interview) as she is on the page.
And finally, stay tuned for some thoughts on the fate of the book industry in this, the burgeoning digital age. I’ll be garnering the thoughts of authors, publishers, booksellers and readers on this important issue, for your interest and edification.
An apt topic to be exploring on a weblog devoted to books, methinks.
Now for some quick unpacking. Just after I finish this chapter…
– DF