Monday’s Muse … stormy skies

Morning all. Hope you had a great weekend! My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this weekend. Congrats Mum and Dad – what a milestone! Really puts all those whirlwind celeb marriages with their insanely short “use by” dates into perspective, methinks…

Today I’m starting off a new weekly event – Monday’s Muse. Each Monday I’ll be posting about something I’ve found inspirational.

It might be a little anecdote, a rambling thought, an illuminating quote, a person or place, a snatch of history or mythology that’s struck a chord, or – as in today’s case – a picture that tells a thousand words.

(I know, I know. “Muse” is perhaps not the most apt word to describe this mixed bag of inspirational odds and ends, but I couldn’t bypass the lovely “m” alliteration, so there it is.)

So to kick things off, this week’s Muse is:

Stormy skies

I absolutely love thunderstorms. I find them exhilarating and the rougher the rain lashes my windows the better. (Oh yes, I did say “windows”. Admittedly my enjoyment of thunderstorms decreases relative to how exposed to said rain I am. Is that cheating? I think not.)

Last night I looked out my window and this beautiful post-downpour sky met my eyes:

Stormy sky
Who says talking about the weather has to be boring?
Image: (c) Deliciously Fictitious

A sky like that really makes you realise just how infinitesimal we humans are in the face of nature, huh? Maybe that’s a scary thought. I found it kinda inspirational myself. Looking out, seeing how the heavens seemed to be opening – offering just a glimpse of what was beyond – I thought how masterfully Mother Nature paints the evening sky. I thought how the clouds looked all roughed up, as though they’d just rolled out of bed, and how the towering palm seemed to be standing guard over the scene, quietly majestic in that special way that seems reserved for mighty trees.

Who says ‘the weather’ has to be a boring subject?

Got an inspirational tidbit you’d like featured on Monday’s Muse? Click here to send it to me!

~ DF

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