Another week, another Monday’s Muse. Haven’t written a review in a little while, I’m aware. I’ve actually got a couple in the pipeline. The books have been read, I’ve just got to grab Time by both legs and pin it down long enough to get my thoughts about said books onto the screen.
In the meantime, today’s inspirational thingywhatsit is this quote by none other than Ernest Hemingway. Who knows a thing or two about this subject, I think you’ll agree…
“If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water. “
~ Ernest Hemingway
I love this quote right now because it’s exactly what I’m working on at the moment for my own book. Working out so much about the action that I can impart more by omission than by explanation. I think it’s something worth bearing in mind both as a writer, but also as a reader.
I know I personally appreciate the books that don’t spell out every little thing far more than those that do…
Cheers for this tidbit, Ernest. Don’t mind if I call you Ernest, do you?
~ DF