Deliciously Ficititious is a blog for book devourers. (Takes one to know one!) I love reading; a fact I’m convinced has contributed to my appalling eyesight. I’m a trained journo, with a passion for literature.
I also write poetry and creative fiction – and possess all the requisite ‘writerly’ attributes: two cats, a good-sized teapot, more scribble-filled notebooks than it’s fitting to admit, and a smashing-looking antique paperweight typewriter. (And a Masters of Creative Writing, but you know… mostly the typewriter thing.)
As I slowly discover and reflect on the kind of writer I am and the enormity and vulnerability of the writing process, the aims of this site have evolved. I’ve come to realise that what I want to do most of all here is simply celebrate books – and keep that vital conversation about literature going.
So you’ll notice my reviews are mostly positive. I’m not here to book bash; besides, even a book I didn’t love took immense effort and motivation to pull together. I just want to share my love of words, words, words!
~ DF
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